
Poniżej przedstawiamy najważniejsze nagrody i nagrody firmy Pro-Project w ostatnich latach. Stanowią namacalny dowód ciągłego rozwoju w środowisku, w którym innowacje i poszukiwanie nieszablonowych rozwiązań oznaczają najkrótszą drogę do sukcesu. Wspomniane nagrody są nagrodą za podjęty wysiłek, wzmacniają satysfakcję płynącą z poczucia osiągnięcia celu, a także są czynnikiem motywującym i zwiększającym wydajność.

Mamy nadzieję, że w miarę upływu czasu coraz więcej statuetek będzie dodawanych do imponującej kolekcji nagród Pro-Project, a każdy nowy bonus będzie źródłem równie wielkiej satysfakcji i powodem do dumy z dotychczasowych osiągnięć.

Silver Honor Badge 2016. from Main Board of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations.

The Chief Technical Organization awarded Henryk Kartszyński with a silver honorary badge on May 6, 2016. They are awarded to persons distinguished by active work in the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations and its organizational units or acting on their behalf. Scientific and Technical Association represents the technical community, integrates Polish technicians and engineers. It also works to strengthen the role of the technical environment, which is a co-creator of civilization progress and sustainable development.

The ordinary certificate and the special certificate "Science and Culture Promoter" "Company of the Future 2015"

The ordinary certificate and the special certificate, "Science and Culture Promoter" for the Managing Director, Rafal H. Kartaszynski, PhD, awarded in connection with the second edition of an all-Poland Programme of Certifying Companies and Other Organizational Entities Carrying out Economic Activities "Company of the Future 2015".Whether the special certificate is awarded first of all depends on the degree of the company's involvement in supporting educational, scientific and artistic initiatives and undertakings in its external environment.

Leader of Leaders 2020

Enterprise Support Agency of Lublin Voivodeship on October 29, 2020 honored Pro-Project with the special prize "Leader of Leaders 2020". This special distinction was selected from among seventeen laureates of the previous four editions of the "Innovation Leader" competition. Its aim is to promote innovative projects and modern solutions implemented with the support of the Regional Operational Program of Lublin Voivodeship which is part of the European Union's Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020.

We are proud that we were awarded this prestigious title for the project: "Pro-Project development by launching the production of the innovative Pro-CT mk II phantom for quality control of tomographic devices".

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Golden Honorary Badge of the Polish Association of Inventors and Rationalizers in Warsaw for services to rationalization and inventiveness.

Polish Association of Inventors and Rationalizers Associations on May 9, 2017, awarded Henryk Kartszyński the Golden Honorary Badge of the Polish Association of Inventors and Rationalizers. PAIR is a national federation of scientific and technical associations. Together with the Voivodeship and Regional Technics and Rationalization Clubs, it has been active in the field of inventiveness for over 50 years.

Regional Business Leader 2015

The statuette awarded in the category innovative company by the Management Board of the Regional Economic Chamber in connection with the twelfth edition of the "Regional Business Leader" Programme.

Regional Business Leader 2017

Pro-Project received a laureate certificate in the category of innovative enterprises from the Regional Chamber of Commerce under the Regional Business Leader program. The goal of the program is to distinguish and promote the best developing companies from the Lubelskie voivodeship. Companies with the best economic results were awarded, whose priority is continuous development, expanding the scope of their activities while respecting the rights of their employees, clients and contractors.

Business Leader 2015

The Statuette awarded in the category “Small Company” by the Foundation of Small and Medium Companies, as well as the Mazovian Chamber of Craft and Enterprise in the competition “Business Leader 2015”.

Competing for the title of the Business Leader of the Year is part of the oldest and most prestigious competitions promoting business activity in Poland. Held since 1994.

Trustworthy Company Certificate 2019

Trustworthy Company Certificate is awarded to companies which have an impeccable reputation among customers and business partners.

We are honored to receive for the third time a certificate for good repute, business ethics and a fair approach to commitments to customers and contractors.

Trustworthy Company Certificate Elite Gold

On November 2, 2020, Pro-Project received the Certificate of Trustworthy Company Elite Gold. It is awarded to companies that consistently work on the best reputation on the Internet and constantly care for the satisfaction of customers and contractors.

The certificate can be obtained by companies which are permanent members of the Trustworthy Company project and have current Opinion Index research.

The ordinary certificate and the special certificate "Success Manager" "Company of the Future 2016"

The ordinary certificate and the special certificate, "Success Manager" for the Managing Director, Rafal H. Kartaszynski, PhD, awarded in connection with the third edition of an all-Poland Programme of Certifying Companies and Other Organizational Entities Carrying out Economic Activities "Company of the Future 2016".

Honorary badge "For merits for Invention” 2020

On September 10, 2020, Mr. Henryk Kartaszyński, MSc, vice-president of the Regional Club of Technology and Rationalization in Chełm and the owner of the "Pro-Project", was honored by the Prime Minister, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki, in recognition of his special merits in the field of invention, with an honorary badge "For merits for Invention ”. It is the highest distinction awarded in Poland in the field of innovation. The award ceremony was held as part of the summary of the Olympiad of Technical Innovation and Invention in Warsaw.

Trustworthy Company Certificate 2020

Trustworthy Company Certificate is awarded to companies which have an impeccable reputation among customers and business partners.

We are honored to receive on 14th February 2020, for the forth time, a certificate for good repute, business ethics and a fair approach to commitments to customers and contractors.

Leader of Innovations 2019

„Leader of Innovations” is a contest of the best and the most innovational companies from lubelskie voivodeship. Participants benefited from funding of Regional Operational Programme of Lubelskie Voivodeship 2014-2020. Contestants in a special way contributed to development of the whole region through their innovative activities and products.

We’re happy to announce that in the category MEDICINE AND HEALTH the winner is Pro-Project.

Regional Business Leader 2013

The statuette awarded in the category of micro company and innovative company by the Management Board of the Regional Economic Chamber in connection with the tenth edition of the "Regional Business Leader" Programme.

The ordinary certificate and the special certificate "Gold Prize" "Company of the Future 2014"

The ordinary certificate and the special certificate, Gold Prize, awarded in connection with an all-Poland Programme of Certifying Companies and Other Organizational Entities Carrying out Economic Activities "Company of the Future 2014".

The programme is an initiative aiming at identifying and promoting the most modern Polish companies which in their activities invest in innovations and manifest special care of developing human capital, including its most important resource - knowledge. In harmony with the competition's assumptions, the Pro-Project company was recognized as a flexible company, open to innovations, developing the concept of value for the customer, diversifying its offer, capable of drawing on the staff's and managers' potential, but also of strategically multiplying that competence.

Regional Business Leader 2012

The statuette awarded in the category of micro company by the Management Board of the Regional Economic Chamber in connection with the ninth edition of the "Regional Business Leader" Programme.

The major target of the cyclical competition, held by the Regional Economic Chamber in Lublin, constitutes a distinction of the most thriving companies of the Lublin province. The programme is held under the honorary patronage of the Province Marshal's Office of Lublin. The criteria taken into account while evaluating the companies among others are as follows: the company's achievements in recent years, economic results of the companies, conditions and safety at the workplace, as well as pro-social activities and image of the companies applying from the Lublin area.

Bronze Laurels of Innovation 2014

A statuette in the category of "Bronze Laurels of Innovation", awarded for the project "Future within reach - all quality control elements are now connected on one platform", in connection with the fourth edition of the "Laurels of Innovation 2014" competition.The Competition's organizer, the Supreme Technical Organization, the Federation of Scientific and Technical Societies, has entrusted the Group of Technical Services of the Capital City NOT Ltd. with running the competition. The purpose of the competition is to promote innovative products, technology and services, as well as other innovative solutions, almost from all branches of economy, science and socially useful fields.

Business mission to Japan as part of the "EU Gateway to Japan" programme 2009 and 2010

Participation of "Pro-Project" representatives in the business mission to Japan as part of the EU Gateway programme.

The mission is part of "EU Gateway to Japan" programme and involves healthcare and medical technology. Following two-stage qualifications, the European Commission have twice nominated the Pro-Project company to represent the European Union in the economic mission. The company’s representatives had a chance to present and promote their innovative products and technology at direct business meetings in Tokyo.

Regional Business Leader 2014

The statuette awarded in the category of small company and innovative company by the Management Board of the Regional Economic Chamber in connection with the eleventh edition of the "Regional Business Leader" Programme.

The Chełm Patent 2009

The Chelm Patent 2009 prize, awarded by the "RKTiR" Educational and Technical Society in Chelm for a set for quality control in "Pro-Dent" dentistry.

Holding the inventive CHELM PATENT OF THE YEAR constitutes an element of the Society's statutory activities. The competition includes inventors residing in the Chelm region who have submitted for protection, or have acquired protection for their invention or utility model at the Polish Patent Office.

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