Quality Policy

January 8, 2025

Our Company’s Quality Policy assumes a continuousdevelopment and improvement on the solutions offered (the equipment and thesoftware) as well as on medical services provided.

We are making the Policy effective throughactivities within the framework of the management system implemented andimproved in compliance with the following standards: ISO 9001:2015,
ISO/IEC 27001:2022, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, with allthe staff being involved in the process.

As we understand it, Quality means our customers’full and complete satisfaction with top-level solutions and services provided,while keeping good prices and maintaining legal, regulatory and voluntarilyaccepted requirements.

The major objectives of the Policy pursued are as follows:

  1. Aspiring to meet our Customers’ expectations andcaring for their satisfaction with the quality of the solutions offered.
  2. Guaranteeing safety to the information processed inthe Company.
  3. An ongoing improvement on our solutions so that ourCompany may always be associated by our Customers with high quality, reliability, ease of use, and technologicaladvantage.
  4. Effective provision of services for the medicalfield in a way ensuring our Customers a safe and legally provision of servicesfor the patients.
  5. Professional cooperation with the Distributors ofour products resulting in consumer satisfaction and satisfying sales.
  6. An ongoing extension of our product range offer, aswell as winning new international markets.
  7. Consistently meeting our Customers’ expectations,legal, regulatory and our own requirements as well as those voluntarily accepted with reference to the company’soperation, including those connected with environment protection, safety at theworkplace and safety of the information stored.
  8. Regular staff training and aiming for their higherqualifications in order to better meet our Customers’ expectations.
  9. Involving all the staff in the activities forquality, environment, health and safety, and safety of information throughconsultation and participation in creation, maintenance and improvement of anintegrated quality management system.
  10. Commitment to pollution prevention.
  11. Commitment to ensure safe and hygienic workingconditions in order to eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks,prevent injuries and health ailments, accidents, occupational diseases and nearmisses.

Our Company’s Quality Policy is the framework forsetting goals and plays a supreme role, exceeding any other activities, and noactions whatsoever can go against it.

On behalf of the staff and ourselves, we make acommitment to improving and developing the Management System in accordance withthe requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2022, ISO 13485:2016,ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Member of the Management Board
Martin Dahlin
Martin Dahlin
Member ot the Management Board
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