The bar phantom for determination of resolution of Scintillation Cameras. Four-quadrant phantom offers precise determination of camera intrinsic resolution, collimator spatial resolution, field size and linearity. In addition this standard size phantom, we offer different sizes and configurations manufactured to the highest quality standards.
Technical data (can be modified to customer specifications):
- dimensions: 564 x 432 x 15 mm
- lead bar widths: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mm
- field across bar configuration: 533 x 405 mm
Product features:
- complies with:
- NEMA Standards Publication (NU 1-2001) Performance Measurements of Scintillation Cameras
- AAPM Report No. 9 - Computer Aided Scintillation Camera Acceptance Testing
- AAPM Report No. 22 - Rotating Scintillation Camera SPECT Acceptance Testing and Quality Control
- ACR–SNM (Res. 5 – 2011) technical standard for diagnostic procedures using radiopharmaceuticals - CE certified
- the manual provides detailed guidelines for carrying out each test, results assessment and registration